
Hello! My name is Erika Hansen. I am a freshman from Yardley, PA (outside of Philly). I like to play soccer, work out, hike, and read. I am also an avid snowboarer and SCUBA diver! Right now I hope to major in biology and environmental science.

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8/25 Blumenstock Response

8/27 Hans Rosling TED Talk

9/3 Rosling/Sen Q&A

9/17 Data Science Insight 1

9/19 Assignment 1: Annotated Bibliography

9/29 The End of Theory?

10/15 Data Science Insight 2

10/15 Barder

10/19 Assignment 2

10/22 Type of Inquiry

11/5 In Class Essay

11/13 Assignment 3

11/15 Abstract